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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

23 March 1931

अस्सी साल पहले आज ही(२३ मार्च १९३१) के दिन तीन देशभक्तों ने अपनी क़ुरबानी देकर युवा वर्ग को एक नयी रह दिखाई थी, जिसकी बदौलत हमें अंग्रेजी शासन से तो आज़ादी मिल गयी, मगर भ्रष्टाचार और पूँजीवादी नीतियों और उनके अत्याचार से हम आज भी पीड़ित हैं| आज एक बार फिर से इस मातृभूमि को ऐसे ही वीर देशभक्तों की ज़रूरत है जो देश को इस भ्रष्ट और अत्याचारी प्रणाली से आज़ादी दिला सके|

Eighty years ago, this was the day (23 march 1931), three patriots shows a new path to youth, by sacrificed themselves, due to which we are only free from the English rule, but we are still suffering from corruption & capitalistic policies & their exploitation. At this stage again we need such brave nationalists, who can get rid of the nation from this corrupt & exploitive system.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Need for a Social System

One of the main strategies of Capitalistic system is to keep middle class mass busy & exploit them passively. All middle class from youngsters to elders are busy in earning their daily needs. They always keep their eyes on their job, small firm or education of children. They don’t even get the time to think beyond the bowl of their needs.

Even if some dare to show the courage, they are to pay great prices for this, like no support from his social relations, friends & even their own families. Every father tells his child that Money is everything. Without money there is nothing. You should learn well, to get admission in a good technical college, so that you can become a good engineer. Then you should crack some competitive exams, to learn MBA and then you need to perform there well, so that you can be selected in an MNC, which is earning economy for capitalistic class or for a nation which he even don’t know. The reality is that they don’t even know that why they are working & what it’s worthy for.

There is a lot which can be done by each and every citizen, which will not affect his daily earning, but they always either frightened or having excuses that they are very busy. But the reality is that they have accepted that it is easier to be a part of system & let it run as per it’s wish, even by knowing that this us (human society) who run the system & not the system. And if the reverse process (system is running people) is happening, that is our perception only. Because the system is still being run by the human, but the human is not the Major mass of society, this is the handful capitalistic.

Everyone should think beyond their perception that every decision in the system should be governed by all the members of the society & not a special class. This is only possible when we apply socialistic strategy, which ensures that human can not harm other humans & the resources are equally distributed among the people according to their needs. This gives birth to a Social Communist system.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Conspiracy against Middle Class Mass

Capitalistic System’s Conspiracy against Middle Class Mass

In every society, Middle class mass play a very important role. But capitalistic System keeps Middle class system busy in their earnings, so that they can never think or act for the society of their own. A middle class person always thinks to have a technical degree, so that he can earn his living. But in actual he is not earning for his own, but for the company, he is working for. This thinking is being poured by Education system & the society itself.

Education is the base of every society, political & ruler system. It has a great importance. However, education system is also influenced by system characteristics. In capitalistic education system, the students are being taught only how to earn money & they keep their intentions only up to money, regardless they are fulfilling their moral duties or not. However, it is clear that every student in Technical colleges is being taught only to get selected in an MNC, which later offers him for onsite visit to US/UK etc. Everyone just running blindly behind their own interest & not thinking about their Country, Society or even families.

Which kind an Education system is that, where moral education level of students is zero? Is this what is called an educated person, just to fix a tie in neck & abusing in English?

So till now, I figure out that the first thing which we need to change is our Education system. Social elements should be added in the education system. Also the students should be taught in a manner that it helps in their moral development. Special events like social services camps should be mandatory in every school & colleges.

The Second thing is to change the corporate. The current corporate is running after money, while it should seek some social responsibilities like social service camps for poor areas & donation for Social service organizations & education societies. And these responsibilities should be compulsory by every industry. Also there should be high tax deduction for high income group & this money should be used for social services, where it is needed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fall of Capitalism; Reason & Remedy

There is a growing sense that capitalism is failing.
For years, society equated capitalism with a better future. People wanted to generate wealth for themselves and create a better life for their children. Progressive societies recognized that only businesses can create wealth.
However, there are many negative consequences resulting from a market system, such as fears, insecurities, and inequalities. And now this is clear that the capitalist system is failing.
There are real questions about the legitimacy and integrity of a system where executives make, on average, 350 times more than the lowest-paid workers. Making hundreds of millions of dollars seems immoral in a society where people are living in poverty. Today, in a time when governments are becoming so involved in the financial world there is increased push-back on high executive pay.
Another reason for the perception of failure is that in many countries, when citizens pay taxes, the money is used to pay off the country's debt. It is not used to invest in the well-being of its citizens by building schools or improving the health care system.
In Sir Ronald Cohen's view, market capitalism will ultimately be judged by the reaction of the business sector and public sector to the human problems caused by today's crisis. If steps are not quickly taken to improve the social consequences that affect huge portions of the population, the backlash against capitalism will be serious.
The capitalist system must change and help to support a safety net for workers.
All of the problems associated with capitalism have worsened with globalization. Workers from one country now compete with workers all over the world. In this environment of job insecurity, the safety net for the working class is nonexistent.
There is no process to help individuals through a job loss in a capitalistic system.
Moving forward, if the capitalist system is going to exist, many aspects will have to change. This includes insurance, pensions, and training. These are all areas where the business community has an important voice and can make a difference.
Social entrepreneurship is coming of age, but must be developed into a formal profession.
Business entrepreneurship is the most powerful way of creating wealth for the population. Using the same principles, social entrepreneurship provides a fresh approach to addressing some of society's greatest problems.
There is a close correlation between economic prosperity and social cohesion. Investments are never made in poor areas. As a result, there are few opportunities. Studies show that when less than 5% of the people in an area are positive role models, the area spirals down into crime and violence. It is crucial to provide opportunity to these areas and to do so in intelligent ways, using replicable, sustainable, and scalable models.
The time has come to develop social entrepreneurship into a formal profession and to create institutions to support social entrepreneurship. Social venture funds could become a significant element of private equity investment and entrepreneurial finance. For these sorts of institutions to succeed, talent needs to be attracted into the social entrepreneurship arena.
Social investment is the way for people with business backgrounds to show that business principles can serve as a multiplier for philanthropy.
In addition to social entrepreneurship, broad-reaching public policies are needed.
While social entrepreneurship is important, the small-scale successes of social entrepreneurship will not on their own have a large enough impact on society. In addition to the efforts of social entrepreneurship, broad-reaching public policy is needed to make society's fundamental systems, like education and health care, work more effectively. (When people discuss policies and reforms, they often focus on the poor.)
However, one of the barriers to the implementation of public policies to address the negative consequences of market capitalism is that such policies are often not widely supported by the business community. Too often, members of the business community are narrowly focused on advancing the specific issues relevant to their own short-term interests. They push to lower taxes, pursue specific tax breaks, or lobby for a particular issue. In these ways, business actually makes it more difficult to address society's larger, long-term interests.
The business community and business leaders must acknowledge the need for public policy to address the issues that threaten the future of capitalism. Businesses must look beyond their narrow, short-term interests toward what is good for society and for their businesses in the longer term.
There are many ways businesses can address social problems, while still satisfying their own self-interest.
Businesses should seek profit opportunities in places that also make a broad societal contribution. By employing a lens that focuses on doing well (financially) by doing good (for society), many attractive opportunities are likely to be discovered. Specific examples include:
Employing the disadvantaged. Businesses are uniquely positioned to create independence for people through jobs. When the government provides unemployment benefits, it creates dependency instead of giving people a chance. Some companies have elected to locate in economically troubled areas. In many cases, they find workers who are better and lower-cost than if the business were located in a "fashionable" place to live.