Many of us will not be agree with the quote I mentioned as the title of this blog. But try this in my way! Take a deep breath forget about your job, forget about the assignments, forget about the girls, forget about everything, count to ten and think again, "Its the People who made the nation, not the Nation, who made them." We are the people, what ever we can name our country, whatever the culture we may adopt. Its not the nation who is adopting good people, but its us who are adopting the nation.
I have many friends of mine, looking for imigration to countries like UK, US, Canada, Australia etc. And they used to say they have no future here, cos Nation (country) doesn't care about them, or there is no use of there talent here in India, and the other country is adopting their talent. But in actually they are not leaving because of these reasons, but this is Money what they are looking for. Because if this is only about talent, then whar the thousands of Indians are driving taxies in the streets of London, New York, L.A, Montreal etc. If driving taxies and trucks is a talent then why they are not using it for the their nation, by driving crores of trucks and taxies in the streets of New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Banglore, Goa etc. Because they and their relatives feel pround in calling them as NRI rather then Indian. This was another example of Nation dependancy on People.
Please snach a bit of time from your so called busy schedule and think what could we build our Nation, if we use our talent for right purpose. Stop blaming Nation, stop blaming politics, start improving it by improving your thoughts. No one should be blamed, but everyone should be improved, because there is nothing in saying if you are not doing. Stop hating each other, start loving instead, believe in yourself, believe in others. Lets make a better Nation with better people.
So think again on the title.
Jai Hind